Each week we will introduce you to one of the individuals in our Holiday Adaptive Bike Giveaway.
Up this week is Addison!

Since there are only 2 weeks left until the end of the year and 3 more children's stories to share we are giving you 2 this week!
Just in time to make your end of the year donation to Project Mobility. This also means we are that much closer to saying goodbye 2020 (yay lol) and hello 2021
Up today is Addison!
"She (Addison) spent the first 2 weeks of her life in the NICU learning how to breath on her own and learn the sucking reflex so she can eat. Addison was on track for all her milestones until September 23, 2011 she had her first seizure in the car while we where driving. That day we found out what a febrile seizures is. She had a 102 fever so it spiked into a seizure. Fast forward to Addison's first birthday and she ended up having a 15 minute seizure and a 105 fever, plus a week long hospital stay with lots of tests being done.
...A year later we finally got some answers to why Addison was having so many seizures daily and failing over 4 seizure medicines, she has Dravet Syndrome. Dravet Syndrome is a rare catastrophic, lifelong form of epilepsy that begins in the first year of life with frequent and/or prolonged seizures. Dravet affects 1 in 15,700 individuals. Some common issues that go along with Dravet and that Addison suffers from daily are prolonged seizures, frequent seizures, behavioral and developmental delays, orthopedic conditions, speech issues, temperature control, and a constant worry of SUDEP (sudden unexplained death in epilepsy)."
*If you want your donation to go towards a specific individual's bike please put their name in the notes*